Adding an additional Horizontal menu line in a Joomla 2.5 Artisteer template

(found on the Artisteer Forum ““)So, we want to create 2 horizontal menus.

Our plan is to create a new position for a second menu which is similar to the first position.

Open a folder with your template (…/joomla/templates/yourtemplatename) and open file index.php

In this file with ctrl+F find words “art-nav”.
This part charges for horizontal menu.
Copy strings from this moment till a string:

So in your file the strings are next:

<?php if ($view->containsModules(‘extra1’)) : ?>
<div><?php echo $view->position(‘extra1’); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($view->containsModules(‘extra2’)) : ?>
<div><?php echo $view->position(‘extra2’); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $view->position(‘user3’); ?>

Past it right after <?php endif; ?>

Then you can delete not necessary strings (see below) and change a name of first position (user3) to any new name.
I named it “test”.
So copied and pasted part will look next way:


<?php echo $view->position(‘test’); ?>

Save this file and close.

Open folder html/mod_mainmenu and file default.php

With ctrl+F find “user3” and right after “user3” add new condition:
|| $attribs[‘name’] == ‘test’
So the whole “if” condition will look next way:
if (isset($attribs[‘name’]) && $attribs[‘name’] == ‘user3’ || $attribs[‘name’] == ‘test’)

Save and close this file.

Do the same operations with file html/mod_menu/default.php
Save it.

Now we have to add this created position to a list of positions.
In your template folder open file templateDetails.xml and in the end find list of positions and add this new.
So just add string

Open your Joomla Administration Panel.
Open Extensions-Module Manager, create new menu, call it for example “Second Menu” (press “hide” the name) and in the field “position” select position “test”.
Module Assignment – All pages.
Press “Toogle Selection”.
Basic Options: Select Menu – Top

and Save it.
Then you can open your website and check is everything right.