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Position Text Labels on Forms Using CSS

This information is  by Cameron Adams from a SitePoint newsletter In this post, he explains three common approaches to positioning text labels on web forms using CSS: top-​​positioned text labels left-​​aligned text labels right-​​aligned text labels Using Top-​​positioned Text Labels Positioning labels at the top of their form elements is probably …

Making the Cursor change on a Web Site

Changing the Cursor Original Post Found Here: you know that you can change the cursor using CSS? Well, you can. It’s easy, fun, but make sure you use it sparingly – visitors don’t like it when you make it so whenever the cursor travels over the page it shows …

Optaining list of site on Name server

apparently, there exists a couple of websites on the Internet that are able to list all the domains registered in a namerserver. For example: Or all domains pointing to a specific IP : (These DNS/IP were picked at random)   There are two ways that a domain name …