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Making the Cursor change on a Web Site

Changing the Cursor Original Post Found Here: you know that you can change the cursor using CSS? Well, you can. It’s easy, fun, but make sure you use it sparingly – visitors don’t like it when you make it so whenever the cursor travels over the page it shows …

Simple Ajax code

Simple Ajax Example Ajax is the method of using Javascript, DHTML and the XMLHttpRequest object to perform a GET or POST and return a result without reloading the HTML page. Below is a very simple Ajax example that calls a CGI script that prints out the word sent to the …

Setting A Cookie via Javascript

Scripts — Javascript Cookie Script Here’s a basic Javascript cookie script, it’s from the public domain one, unfortunately we can’t remember it’s source, if anyone knows it, we’ll add that to the script header. This code is provided as is, but has been tested extensively over the years, and should …