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Ubuntu Helpful Links

How to setup Apache MySQL PHP

ApacheMySQLPHP To find the Ubuntu Server Guide related to your specific version, please go to: and click on Ubuntu Server Guide Parent page: Programming Applications This is to help people setup and install a LAMP(Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) server in Ubuntu, including Apache 2, PHP 5 (optionally PHP 4 in Ubuntu 6.10 and lower), and MySQL …

Clear Ubuntu Filesystem Memory cache

sudo sh -c “sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches” or sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches   run in the Root Terminal this worked for me on 10.04 There are actually two things you can clear, and they’re both read caches. Write caching is a different thing entirely, and is referred to as …

Setting a Permenant IP Address in UBuntu

To permanently set up the ip and gateway, you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces. It is advisable if you backup the existing interfaces file, if it is available. 1. Backup /etc/network/interfaces$ sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak 2. Open the /etc/network/interfaces using your favorite text editor$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces 3. Add the below …

Setting up a temporary IP Address – Ubuntu

To set ip temporarily using ifconfig and route commands 1. Run the command below to set ip and netmask$ sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask upwhere eth0 is the name of the interface, is the netmask and up to activate the interface 2. run route command to set default …

Extract Ubuntu Installed Package list

A way to get a list of all packages installed on your machine use the following command. dpkg –get-selections > my-pkg-list You can later reinstall the packages in the list using this command: dpkg –set-selections < my-pkg-list sudo apt-get -u dselect-upgrade This list will include both packages you installed, and …

GEtting rid of old Ubuntu Kernels.

Every time Ubuntu installs a new Linux kernel, the old one is left behind. This means that if you are regularly updating an Ubuntu system the Grub boot menu becomes longer and longer with kernels you don’t need anymore. The old kernels are deliberately left installed and on the menu …